Our EGOCMS chatbot references
The WRS chatbot knows all about wind power.
WRS GmbH windpower
I just had a chat with the bot, and I liked it very much. Almost instant replies, very knowledgeable. (Sigrid.)
Blog article: Chatbot with wind power
The Adacta chatbot knows all about company valuation.
AD ACTA Gutachten GmbH
The chatbot works great straight away.
The chatbot of mediator and lawyer Dietz-Roth knows all about mediation and law.
Christin Dietz-Roth
Mediator and lawyer
Mediator and lawyer
The fact that the EGOCMS chatbot is hosted entirely in Germany by EGOTEC AG was particularly convincing for me as a data protection officer.
Holz-Tom knows everything about timber construction and the company Holzbau Hennrich GmbH.
Holzbau Hennrich GmbH
Our wood Tom can provide the initial information in advance, so our customers are already informed when they visit us.
Blog article: Wood-Tom chatbot