EGOCMS login functionality in detail


The EGOCMS login functionality provides a powerful user authentication and management solution, making it easy for users to log in while increasing security.

Excel User Import: Import user data from CSV files.

Social Login: Authentication of users via an OpenID service, Facebook or Microsoft. Transfer of e-mail, first and last name etc..

Janrain Login: Connection of the Janrain service with the possibility of authentication via dozens of server services. (Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo!, LinkedIn, Microsoft Account, Salesforce, Foursquare, Amazon, AOL, Blogger, Disqus, Flickr, Instagram, Livejournal, Mixi, MYDIGIPASS.COM, Netlog, Odnoklassniki, OpenID, QQ, Renren, Sina Weibo, SoundCloud, Tencent Weibo, Tumblr, Verisign, VK, Wordpress, XING).

  • Excel user import: With this function, user data can be imported effortlessly from CSV files into the system. This facilitates the administration of users, especially in environments with many users. In addition, users can also be exported back into a CSV file.
  • Social Login: Users have the option of logging in via various social media and OpenID services such as Facebook, Microsoft and Twitter. This increases access options and makes login convenient for users.
  • Janrain Login: The integration of the Janrain service significantly expands authentication options. Users can choose from a variety of services to log in securely.
  • Ease of use: The integration of social login options and the import of user data from CSV files facilitates the management of user accounts and offers users convenient login options.
  • Enhanced authentication: The integration of Janrain enables users to securely access a wide range of services, expanding login options.
  • Time saving: Importing user data from CSV files simplifies administration and saves valuable time, especially in environments with many users.