
  • Rewrite2: Meta URLs can optionally not be preferred. Then these are always saved as canonical=2 and the normal URLs are saved additionally (and provide the canonical=1 URL). The option is global and can be overwritten per client.
  • Frontend Administration: With "blocks.no_files=true" in the "conf.json", the inclusion of block-specific CSS/JavaScript files can be prevented. In this case you have to take care of the integration of these files yourself(details).
  • Frontend Administration: Control elements (e.g. icons) can now be searched. With "search=false" the search can be deactivated(details).
  • Frontend Administration: Image editing for image elements is now enabled by default(details).
  • Workflow: A workflow follow-up status can now also be the current status.
  • Workflow: Optionally, the authorised groups/roles and users for a status can also be selected when changing the status. Only the groups/roles and users set for the status are then available for selection.
  • The captcha plugin has been replaced and can now also read out the result. For this, the tool "lame" is required on the server.
  • For the login in the frontend it is possible to restore it automatically on the next visit(details).
  • Switching from the frontend to the backend as a logged in user via the EGOCMS own "cogwheel" icon no longer automatically folds in the sitemap and toolbar. Instead, the user's configuration is retained.
  • Clones now take over the release date of the original page if no own release is set for the clone itself.
  • Via "nav_hide_disabled" in the "type.ini" of a page type, comma-separated "nav_hide" values can be specified which cannot be set for this page type via the backend.


  • Creating a page via a template also copies the assigned workflow.
  • The combination of "conf.json" values with "+" and "-" was corrected.
  • Destroying a user (deleting and emptying the recycle bin) also cleans up various database tables for the live servers after the live adjustment.
  • The creation of a share copy also takes over the set meta URL.
  • The sitemap quick search in a selection dialogue of the block settings works again.


  • In the group/role administration, the assigned users are only loaded when they are requested.
  • The tab "Received data" for pages with a form layout that store the submitted data here has been optimised for very many entries.


  • Rewrite2: the character "!" is also converted to "_".
  • Matomo Desklet: for the Matomo Desklet a separate view token is necessary. Unlike the Matomo user for the Auth token, the Matomo user of the View token may only have viewing rights for the Matomo sites.
  • The value "0" is stored in the database again and will not be deleted.
  • Email templates: The placeholder "workflow_url" now provides the URL to the original page in the backend.
  • Internet Explorer 11 compatibility for the backend has been restored.

Created by Günther Dan am 22.12.2021 at 13:00 o'clock