- Elasticsearch: "limit" and "order" are already evaluated by Elasticsearch and not only when the hits found are formed as pages from the database.
- Input Plugins Folder, Image and Link: The parameter "media_site" can be used to pass a site object in which the page selection takes place.
- When a new client is created, the new name is compared with the names of existing clients without consideration of upper and lower case and, if necessary, refused.
- The transfer of individual pages can optionally be set so that this is only possible for pages that already exist on all live servers (Client Administration > Live > Restrict Transfer). This setting can also be set globally and then applies to all clients (Administration > Global Settings > Miscellaneous > Restrict Transfer).
- For users, selected social networks can also be specified under Information. These are currently: Dribble, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Podcast, TikTok, Twitter, Youtube and Xing.
- Frontend administration: The HTML of a standard table can be passed to a table via the parameter "default" (can also come from a variable in a Smarty {capture} block). This allows complex table definitions, which may have default values in certain cells.
- If a group/role is deleted, all pages where this group/role was used will be updated. This means that these pages are also recognised and matched by the live adjustment.
- Frontend Administration: The context menu for "Text" elements has been restored.
- Frontend Administration: The language of the displayed client in the "Content" tab is no longer overwritten with the language of the logged-in user.
- Elasticsearch: The setting for "Clause Rules" was saved incorrectly. If you overwrite the default value of this setting, you must reset the setting after the system update (Administration > Global Settings > Search).
- The date displayed in the Cluster Desklet only showed the date of the last incremental adjustment, even if a full adjustment was performed in the meantime. Now the date displayed is the most recent one.
- If a keyword is replaced in the (old) keyword register, the change date of this keyword also changes. This means that the change is also recognised by the live adjustment.
- Glossary: The A to Z list ignores upper and lower case when searching for terms that begin with a certain letter.