EGOCMS PDF module in detail


The EGOCMS module "PDF" provides a powerful function to generate PDF documents from HTML templates. This module allows users to create and customise PDFs with a wide range of options. These include customising page size, adjusting page spacing and much more. Users can even create a table of contents and customise header and footer templates. PDF generation can be done using various methods, including the use of the in-house developed "egopdf".

  • Flexible customisation: The module enables extensive customisation of PDFs, including page format, spacing and many other formatting options.
  • Table of contents: Users have the option to include a table of contents in their PDFs to help navigate and structure content.
  • Professional design: PDFs can be professionally designed with the ability to customise header and footer templates.
  • Extensive customisation options: The module offers a variety of options to customise PDFs to individual requirements.
  • Professional appearance: PDFs can be given a professional appearance by customising header and footer templates.
  • Efficient PDF creation: With this module, users can generate PDF documents directly from the CMS, making the creation process more efficient.
  • Multiple generation methods: Users can choose from various PDF generation methods, including our own developed solution "egopdf".