EGOCMS Jobs module in detail

With the Jobs module, you can effortlessly advertise vacancies for new staff and trainees.

Each position can be defined with a concise description and detailed information, including whether it is a training position.

Career form: Simple job page for the description of the work activity including application form.

CareerDesklet: Overview of current vacancies and recent applications.

Enterprise Career: Creation of special application forms with document upload option, simple form development with database generation. The degree of automation is optimised for group handling with several specialist departments. Applicant registration is carried out using simple to complex input forms with SPAMBOT protection. The document upload can be easily customised and expanded for a large number of applicant documents. The documents can be structured in areas such as resume, CV, letter of motivation, certificates, etc.

Career templates: Creation of templates for web-based job advertisements with a professional CI claim, as well as generation of PDF documents of the job advertisements.

Our integrated application form allows applicants to provide personal information and upload important documents such as CVs and certificates.

The emails sent to you and your applicants are fully customisable.