EGOCMS event calendar module in detail


The event calendar module in EGOCMS offers a comprehensive solution for managing and presenting events. It is particularly useful if you organise regular events or want to involve external providers in event planning. This module encourages interaction on your website and allows users to get all relevant information about events at a glance.

Entry of event series with repeated dates. Entry of deviating dates. Calendar and list view. Entry and editing of events from e.g. external
external speakers in the front end. Setting of location, images etc.

  • Event series: You can create event series that include repeating dates, such as weekly meetings or monthly workshops.
  • Deviating dates: If there are deviating appointments or special events, you can easily add them to the calendar and manage them.
  • Calendar and list view: The module offers both a calendar view and a list view so that users can view events in the way they prefer.
  • Easy front-end input: External speakers or event providers can input and edit events directly in the front-end, improving user interaction.
  • Extensive information: You can set detailed information such as event location, images and other relevant data to provide users with all the information they need.
  • Efficient planning: The ability to create event series and deviating dates makes it easier to plan and organise events.
  • User-friendly views: Users can choose between calendar and list views to view events in their preferred way.
  • Flexibility for external speakers: External speakers or event providers can add their own events to the front-end, encouraging collaboration and interaction on your website.
  • Complete information: With the ability to set comprehensive details, users are well informed and can easily find events of interest to them.