EGOCMS canteen management module in detail


The EGOCMS canteen management module facilitates the management of menus and menu plans in catering establishments, especially in school operations. It enables the labelling of ingredients according to the requirements of the food labelling regulations (LMKV) and makes the information available to the consumer via touchscreen displays in the refectory area or via web browser links. It also automates the updating of menu plans on the internet and on local touchscreens in canteen and dining hall areas, including support for touch gestures on tablet and smartphone devices.

Canteenmanagement: In the course of the content labelling obligation (LMKV) for catering establishments and also in schools, it is necessary to make the contents of meals accessible to the consumer. Canteen management simplifies the entry of menus or menu plans with the corresponding labelling of ingredients, which can be accessed via touchscreen displays in the canteen area directly next to the menu or via the web browser using a link.

Canteendisplay control: Automated updating of menu plans on the Internet and on local touch screens in the canteen and cafeteria area, taking into account click and swipe gestures for tablet and smartphone devices.

Canteen media management: Supplementary management of adverts with media management for adverts in image, text or video from regional events or advertising partners for paid and free displays of events or paid advertising to increase the turnover of larger catering establishments. Advertising subscriptions are controlled by number and insertion times, which can be archived and calculated.

Mensa media billing: Automated generation of invoices according to the placement period, as well as time-orientated e-mail generation for the extension of advertising subscriptions.

  • LMKV conformity: The module enables the simple and correct labelling of ingredients in dishes according to the regulations of the food labelling obligation.
  • Efficient menu maintenance: The maintenanceof menus and menu plans is simplified, saving time and effort.
  • User-friendly accessibility: Consumers can easily access the information via touchscreen displays or web browser links.
  • Automated updating: Menu plans are automatically updated in a timely manner on the web and on site to provide up-to-date information.
  • Advertising management: The module enables the management of advertisements, both in image, text and video formats, to increase revenue through advertising.
  • Flexible advertising subscription: You can control, archive and bill advertising subscriptions according to number and insertion times.
  • Automated billing: The module automatically creates invoices for advertising placements and generates timely emails for renewing advertising subscriptions.

The EGOCMS cafeteria management module is a comprehensive solution that helps foodservice operators, schools and colleges efficiently manage menus and advertising revenue. It promotes compliance with regulatory requirements and enhances the user experience for consumers and advertisers.