EGOCMS intranet module in detail


The EGOCMS Intranet module allows you to create closed areas on your website that are only accessible to registered users. This provides privacy, personalised content and the opportunity to build an engaged online community. You can control access to sensitive information and customise the website to the needs of your registered users.

  • Access control: You can restrict certain areas of your website and allow access only for registered users.
  • Protection of sensitive content: Confidential information and content can be kept securely behind the registration boundary.
  • Personalisation: Registered users can receive personalised content or services in the closed areas.
  • Community building: The intranet promotes the creation of an online community by encouraging users to register and actively participate in your website.
  • Data security: Closed areas provide an additional layer of data security as unregistered users cannot access protected information.
  • Management features: You can efficiently control the management of registered users and their access rights.
  • Advanced functions: Depending on your requirements, you can add special functions in the closed area, such as forums, downloads or member profiles.