EGOCMS WebDAV module in detail

The WebDAV module in EGOCMS provides a convenient way to manage and edit your website content directly from your desktop, greatly increasing efficiency and ease of use.

Integration in e.g. Windows Explorer, Mac Finder, Linux Nautilus or KDE

  • Integration with file managers: The website can be integrated with desktop file managers, allowing for easy management and editing of files and content.
  • Cross-platform: The module supports different operating systems, including Windows, Mac and Linux, which ensures usability for different user groups.
  • Easy file management: Integration with desktop file managers makes it easy to upload, download and edit files directly from your desktop.
  • Easeof use: Cross-platform support makes using the module straightforward and user-friendly, regardless of your operating system.
  • Efficiency: The module increases the efficiency of managing your website content by providing direct access from your desktop.
  • Improved collaboration: Users can update and collaborate on content faster, improving collaboration within your team.